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Le simulateur “AI-900 : Tests fondamentaux MS Azure AI 2024” est un outil d’apprentissage essentiel pour ceux qui se préparent à passer l’examen AI-900. Il a été conçu pour imiter le format de l’examen réel et pour aider les étudiants à tester et à renforcer leurs connaissances.

Le simulateur comprend une série de questions qui couvrent tous les sujets de l’examen, y compris les principes de base de l’apprentissage automatique, les caractéristiques des charges de travail de vision par ordinateur et de traitement du langage naturel sur Azure, et les caractéristiques des charges de travail d’IA générative sur Azure. Ces questions ont été soigneusement élaborées pour refléter le type et le niveau de difficulté des questions que vous pouvez rencontrer lors de l’examen réel.

En plus des questions, le simulateur offre également un retour d’information détaillé sur chaque question. Cela permet aux étudiants de comprendre pourquoi une réponse est correcte ou incorrecte, ce qui peut être extrêmement utile pour l’apprentissage et la révision.

Le simulateur est également un excellent moyen pour les étudiants de se familiariser avec le format de l’examen et de pratiquer la gestion du temps. En effet, le fait de passer le simulateur sous conditions d’examen peut aider les étudiants à se sentir plus à l’aise le jour de l’examen.

En somme, le simulateur “AI-900 : Tests fondamentaux MS Azure AI 2024” est un outil d’apprentissage complet qui peut grandement contribuer à votre réussite à l’examen AI-900.


This course delves deep into the imminent era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its profound impact on our world. In this thought-provoking exploration, we will dissect the current and forthcoming implications of AI's pervasive integration into our society.

From the onset, we acknowledge the inevitability of the AI age, already subtly influencing our lives but poised for exponential growth in the next few decades. This course confronts the looming questions about the fundamental restructuring of our societal norms and systems.

We'll venture into uncharted territories, discussing the potential overhaul of economic structures, probing whether capitalism, as we know it, will persist or evolve into alternative models. Moreover, we'll challenge conventional ideologies, contemplating the consequences and intricacies of these alternatives.

Central to our discourse is the transformation of humanity itself. As AI augments our capabilities, we'll navigate the implications of this symbiosis, unraveling the complex ethical, societal, and existential implications.

Embracing a forward-thinking approach, we'll engage in thought experiments, exploring diverse scenarios and use cases that illustrate the ripple effects of these monumental changes.

Additionally, we'll ponder the concept of a post-work society, analyzing its impact on human identity and the fabric of our daily lives, where work no longer defines our existence.

This interdisciplinary journey amalgamates philosophy, economics, and technology, fostering an environment for critical thinking and rigorous exploration of these weighty subjects.

Join us on this intellectually stimulating expedition into the heart of the AI age, encouraging you to contemplate, question, and innovate in the face of unprecedented societal shifts. Let's get started!


This course delves deep into the imminent era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its profound impact on our world. In this thought-provoking exploration, we will dissect the current and forthcoming implications of AI's pervasive integration into our society.

From the onset, we acknowledge the inevitability of the AI age, already subtly influencing our lives but poised for exponential growth in the next few decades. This course confronts the looming questions about the fundamental restructuring of our societal norms and systems.

We'll venture into uncharted territories, discussing the potential overhaul of economic structures, probing whether capitalism, as we know it, will persist or evolve into alternative models. Moreover, we'll challenge conventional ideologies, contemplating the consequences and intricacies of these alternatives.

Central to our discourse is the transformation of humanity itself. As AI augments our capabilities, we'll navigate the implications of this symbiosis, unraveling the complex ethical, societal, and existential implications.

Embracing a forward-thinking approach, we'll engage in thought experiments, exploring diverse scenarios and use cases that illustrate the ripple effects of these monumental changes.

Additionally, we'll ponder the concept of a post-work society, analyzing its impact on human identity and the fabric of our daily lives, where work no longer defines our existence.

This interdisciplinary journey amalgamates philosophy, economics, and technology, fostering an environment for critical thinking and rigorous exploration of these weighty subjects.

Join us on this intellectually stimulating expedition into the heart of the AI age, encouraging you to contemplate, question, and innovate in the face of unprecedented societal shifts. Let's get started!

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Dive into the fascinating world of Generative AI in this foundational course designed for beginners. Generative AI, a subset of artificial intelligence, focuses on systems that can produce content, from art and music to text and images.

As one of the most rapidly evolving domains in AI, understanding generative models is crucial for anyone looking to stay at the forefront of technological advancements.

With this course you will learn how to insert Generative AI on your everyday work a personal life, you will be able to identify tasks the can be accomplished with this technology, saving your precious time to more important and demanding ones.

You will also learn the best pratices and techniques to get the best results from your generations and come to know a list of the more famous and used AI tools avaliable today like ChatGPT, Bard, Runway ML, Pika Labs and much more.

In a structured and comprehensive manner. The course is divided into several modules, each focusing on a specific type of data generated with Generative AI and their possibilities with it.

Don't get behind and starting learning today this new theme that will be each day the passes more present in our lifes.

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Dive into the fascinating world of Generative AI in this foundational course designed for beginners. Generative AI, a subset of artificial intelligence, focuses on systems that can produce content, from art and music to text and images.

As one of the most rapidly evolving domains in AI, understanding generative models is crucial for anyone looking to stay at the forefront of technological advancements.

With this course you will learn how to insert Generative AI on your everyday work a personal life, you will be able to identify tasks the can be accomplished with this technology, saving your precious time to more important and demanding ones.

You will also learn the best pratices and techniques to get the best results from your generations and come to know a list of the more famous and used AI tools avaliable today like ChatGPT, Bard, Runway ML, Pika Labs and much more.

In a structured and comprehensive manner. The course is divided into several modules, each focusing on a specific type of data generated with Generative AI and their possibilities with it.

Don't get behind and starting learning today this new theme that will be each day the passes more present in our lifes.

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This in-depth course on vector databases is tailored for data professionals who aspire to master the intricacies of modern database technologies. It begins with a fundamental understanding of vector databases, including their structure, operation, and various types like Pinecone, Qdrant, Milvus, and Weaviate. Participants will learn to navigate through different indexing strategies such as Flat Index, Inverted File Index, ANNOY, Product Quantization, and Hierarchical Navigable Small World, understanding which method suits specific data scenarios.

The course delves into practical applications, teaching learners how to apply vector databases in real-world settings such as recommendation systems and anomaly detection. It covers advanced topics like Federated Learning, Graph Embeddings, Real-time Vector Search, and BI Connectivity, ensuring learners are prepared for future advancements in the field.

A significant part of the course is dedicated to real-world case studies, allowing participants to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. This includes exploring how these databases integrate with AI and machine learning, enhancing data analysis, and decision-making processes across various industries.

Ideal for data engineers, AI researchers, and analysts, the course demands a basic understanding of database concepts, data structures, algorithms, and machine learning principles. Participants should also be comfortable with programming, especially in Python.

Upon completion, learners will have a comprehensive understanding of vector databases, equipped with the skills to implement them effectively in their professional endeavors.

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This in-depth course on vector databases is tailored for data professionals who aspire to master the intricacies of modern database technologies. It begins with a fundamental understanding of vector databases, including their structure, operation, and various types like Pinecone, Qdrant, Milvus, and Weaviate. Participants will learn to navigate through different indexing strategies such as Flat Index, Inverted File Index, ANNOY, Product Quantization, and Hierarchical Navigable Small World, understanding which method suits specific data scenarios.

The course delves into practical applications, teaching learners how to apply vector databases in real-world settings such as recommendation systems and anomaly detection. It covers advanced topics like Federated Learning, Graph Embeddings, Real-time Vector Search, and BI Connectivity, ensuring learners are prepared for future advancements in the field.

A significant part of the course is dedicated to real-world case studies, allowing participants to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. This includes exploring how these databases integrate with AI and machine learning, enhancing data analysis, and decision-making processes across various industries.

Ideal for data engineers, AI researchers, and analysts, the course demands a basic understanding of database concepts, data structures, algorithms, and machine learning principles. Participants should also be comfortable with programming, especially in Python.

Upon completion, learners will have a comprehensive understanding of vector databases, equipped with the skills to implement them effectively in their professional endeavors.



本講義はStable Diffusionを触ったことがない!という超初心者向けの講義になります。


その中でも、最も人気であり、加速度的にアップデートが進む画像生成AIが「Stable Diffusion」です。

Stable Diffusionが自在に使えるようになると、以下のことができるようになります。

  • 見分けがつかないレベルのAI美女を作成し、グラビア写真集を発行する

  • 自身の商材の背景画像をAIで好きに作成し、Photoshopのように加工する

  • 今までモデルを使っていたところを、全てAIモデルに置き換える

  • フリー素材のイラストを使っていたところを、自身で作成したAIイラストに置き換える






また、本講義を作成した私は、日本最大級のAIメディア「romptn Magazin」を運営しており、Stable Diffusionについて200記事以上の記事を執筆しています。他のどの講義よりも実践的に、そして詳しく解説している自信がありますので、安心して受講ください。




  • Stable Diffusionモデル・拡張機能集

  • 画像生成プロンプト集



本講義は、「Stable Diffusion」を多くの人に楽しんでいただけるよう、どんなPCでも動く「Google Colabratory」という仮想環境で動かす方法を解説しています。

Stable Diffusionは無料で使えるというお話をしましたが、実は一般的な方が所持しているPCだと、まともに動かして動作させることは難しいです。


本講義でご紹介している仮想環境「Google Colabratory」は、月額1,000円程度の有料サービスになります。こちら費用については本講義には含まれておりませんのでご注意ください。



本講義はStable Diffusionを触ったことがない!という超初心者向けの講義になります。


その中でも、最も人気であり、加速度的にアップデートが進む画像生成AIが「Stable Diffusion」です。

Stable Diffusionが自在に使えるようになると、以下のことができるようになります。

  • 見分けがつかないレベルのAI美女を作成し、グラビア写真集を発行する

  • 自身の商材の背景画像をAIで好きに作成し、Photoshopのように加工する

  • 今までモデルを使っていたところを、全てAIモデルに置き換える

  • フリー素材のイラストを使っていたところを、自身で作成したAIイラストに置き換える






また、本講義を作成した私は、日本最大級のAIメディア「romptn Magazin」を運営しており、Stable Diffusionについて200記事以上の記事を執筆しています。他のどの講義よりも実践的に、そして詳しく解説している自信がありますので、安心して受講ください。




  • Stable Diffusionモデル・拡張機能集

  • 画像生成プロンプト集



本講義は、「Stable Diffusion」を多くの人に楽しんでいただけるよう、どんなPCでも動く「Google Colabratory」という仮想環境で動かす方法を解説しています。

Stable Diffusionは無料で使えるというお話をしましたが、実は一般的な方が所持しているPCだと、まともに動かして動作させることは難しいです。


本講義でご紹介している仮想環境「Google Colabratory」は、月額1,000円程度の有料サービスになります。こちら費用については本講義には含まれておりませんのでご注意ください。

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Welcome to this course that unlocks the doors to creating stunning images with the power of Artificial Intelligence ! Discover an incredibly user-friendly image generation application, accessible online or installable on your computer.

It will allow you to generate ultra-realistic photos effortlessly for marketing purposes, for business or to create social network profiles like Instagram AI models or influencers.

Why choose this course ?

  1. No Programming Skills Required

    You don't need any programming experience to fully leverage the potential of this course. Everything is explained clearly and accessibly, even for complete beginners.

  2. Accessible to All

    Whether you're using a powerful PC or a more modest device, you can seamlessly follow this course. You can install the application on your computer or use it directly online, for free! In this course, we'll exclusively utilize the online version to ensure everyone can follow without difficulty.

  3. Practical Examples to do Anything You Want

    This course is designed for a smooth, gradual learning experience of the best image generation methods. You'll learn how to configure generation model options, modify specific parts of the photo, reuse a photo to generate new ones while preserving character traits, and finally, upscale your photo with AI for high-resolution images.

Enroll now in the best course on the market for fast and efficient ultra-realistic image generation !

You've got it right—this course stands as the premier choice for swift and effective ultra-realistic image generation. Don't hesitate any longer—join us ! In less than an hour, you'll gain the expertise needed to create photos that are more true-to-life than ever before ! See you right away !